Coding 101: A Simple Guide On How to Learn to Code

A coder sat with a book on learning to code Python, whilst Computer Programming at the same time.

Seeing square brackets and obscure characters that you have never had any reason to use before appear on your screen can be pretty daunting. But, there is no need for you to be scared of coding.

 Contrary to popular belief, coding is not that difficult. If it were, 7-year-olds wouldn’t be able to learn it. 

Learning to code is essential nowadays. It is not just software programmers who code, but everyone should learn the basics of coding because its applications are widespread and endless.

So, here is a basic guide on how you can learn to code:

Choosing the Right Language

Coding requires you to learn different programming languages and these languages are used in different applications. Depending on your goals, choosing the right language is extremely important. 

Here are the four most popular coding languages:


Python has the simplest syntax of all programming languages, offers easy integration with other popular languages and has a large library of toolkits and standards. It has a wide range of applications, including data science, financial services, and artificial intelligence, which is why so many people love to learn it.

This language requires you to cover many computer science concepts quickly and efficiently and is a favorite of startups and even mega tech giants like Google and Facebook.


The Hyper Text Markup Language is a given if you want to go into front-end development. The good part is that it is just as easy as Python to learn and is recommended for beginner coders.

HTML is used to place text, images, and position elements on websites. Website features like links, italicized or bold text, line breaks, paragraphing, header and footers are all created by HTML so you can understand how useful this language is.


Cascading Style Sheets and HTML go hand in hand. Since HTML provides only basic formatting features, CSS is the one that gives you the fancy layout for your front-end page.

CSS change how the website elements look and using it, you can control the opacity to borders to font size to grids and so much more and customize the look of your page the way you want. It can also be used to create images and animation, even if you don’t know JavaScript.


JavaScript offers a wide variety of applications, but it is mostly used in front-end development. This language is used to make your website interactive and the elements function. Without this language, your website won’t be able to do anything if a user clicks on a button.

However, aside from website formation, JavaScript is also used to design video games. Additionally, there are a lot of libraries and framework available that can make working with JavaScript a breeze.

Online Sources for Learning Coding

Online coding courses like Cambridge Coding Courses are the best way to learn coding and get a feel of programming languages. They are quick and effective in helping you learn the basic syntax of a language and how it is used. Moreover, they are taught in a fun and engaging manner with in-depth and many of them offer platforms to write your code directly into the browser while you are learning.

You can get these courses for affordable prices and, in some cases, even get a free course to start. At Cambridge Coding Courses, we offer a free Python course for people who are just starting to code.

Code Editors

Online classes include a code editor that will allow you to write code directly inside your browser. The online code editor is a fully interactive development environment. It can help you practice your coding in an easy and error-free way.
Each coding language you learn with Cambridge Coding Courses has its own code editor integrated within the course, so you can practice as much as you like without downloading any third party software.  

Don’t Stop Learning

Just like human languages, coding languages also require regular practice to become fluent in them. If you don’t want to forget what you learned, you need to practice it regularly.

Coding languages are also pretty flexible and allow you to use syntaxes and coding patterns in a different way. This is a great way to learn new ways of doing things and always improving your method.

Are you interested in learning a coding language? Join us at and let us guide you.