Python Glossary

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Our Python tutorial includes this useful glossary for our code academy students, programmers, and web developers. It is part of our free Python course.
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Python Glossary (A-M)

List Meaning or Definition
Argument Information that is required by a function so that it can perform its task. (This is usually a string or number)
Bug Code that causes issues and stops the program from functioning properly, or at all.
Casting The process of converting one data-type into another
Commenting Text in a computer program that is for the human reader and is ignored by the computer when the program is executed.
Comparative/logic operators Used to compare data in a program. For example: == and >
Constant A number that never changes.
Data-type Different ways the computer stores information, for example, floats, integers, and strings.
Default The value given to an argument or variable as a starting point.
Equals Operator Using the ‘=’ sign to assign a value to a variable in coding.
Execute Another way of saying run. To execute code is to run it, compiling the code and outputting the result.
Float/Real A decimal number
Function A section of code that can be called and reused
Global Variable A variable that is usable anywhere in a program.
IDE Integrated Development Environment (the place where you write/run code)
Infinite Loop A section of code that keeps running forever.
Integer A whole number (not a decimal).
Local variable A variable that is defined inside a function and is only usable inside that function.
Loop Code that keeps repeating until a certain condition is met.
Method The name for a function in a class.
Module A saved python file whose functions can be used by another program
Modulus An arithmetic operator that is used to calculate the remainder from a division calculation.
For example: 10 mod 3 = 1

Python Glossary (O-Z)

Operator – A symbol that performs an operation/function on a piece of code, for example adding two numbers

Output – When data from a program is sent to a screen, speaker or printer etc.

Return – The value a function will produce after it has been run.

Statement – A snippet of code. A piece of code that represents a command or action. For example, the print statement

String – A linear sequence of characters, words, or other data, which can be stored in a variable.

Syntax Error – An error produced when a computer fails to run a program because it cannot recognise the code supplied

Variable – A place in the computer’s memory where data is stored. A variable can be called (used/summoned) anywhere within the program

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